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Gauze Swabs

Gauze Swabs non-sterile 13th/8ply 5 x 5cm; 7,5 x 7,5cm; 10 x 10cm
Gauze Swabs non-sterile 17th/8ply 5 x 5cm; 7,5 x 7,5 cm; 10 x 10cm
Gauze Sawbs sterile 17th/8ply 5 x 5cm; 7,5 x 7,5cm; 10 x 10cm
Gauze Lap Sponges non-sterile 17th/4ply 45 x 45cm
Gauze Lap Sponges non-sterile with X-ray 17th/4ply 45 x 45cm

Gauze and Bandages

Gauze Bandage 17th individually packet 5cm x 8m; 10cm x 10m; 10cm x 16m
Elastic Supporting Bandage, woven 8cm x 5m; 10cm x 5m
Plaster of Paris 10cm x 2,7m; 15cm x 2,7m; 20cm x 2,7m
Ortopedic padding, syntetic 5cm x 3,6m; 7,5m x 3,6cm; 12,5cm x 3,6m
Cutting Gauze sterile 13th 0,5m
Dressing Gauze 0,90cm x 1000cm

Plasters and Adhesive Non-Woven Dressing

Non-Woven Dressing with Absorbent pad 5cm x 7,2cm; 6cm x 10cm; 8cm x 10cm; 10cm x 25cm
Non-Woven IV Cannula Dressing 6cm x 8cm
Adhesive Non-Woven Dressing Tape 5cm x 10cm; 10cm x 10cm; 15cm x 10cm
Adhesive PE Tape – FILMPlast 5cm x 5m
Adhesive Silk Tape 5cm x 5m
Zinc Oxide Plaster 2,5cm x 5m; 5cm x 5m
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